Stress, Hypertension and Racism

High Blood Pressure

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High Blood Pressure can be cured with diet and natural herbs.

Hypertension, High Blood Pressure and Stress

High blood pressure and hypertension are usually caused by a lack of proper nutrition. Improper nutrition weakens the internal organs, immune system, and lowers the organs' abilities to utilize nutrients, which feed the body. The body begins to starve because of the loss of proper nutrients. This starvation causes a nutritional deficiency. The nutritionally starved body tries to get more nutrients to pay the debt. Consequently, the body demands more food (nutrients in the blood) by drawing on poor (below-nutrient-level) blood. In order to increase the nutrients the body needs, it must get nutrients from the blood, and so it increases the quantity of blood by increasing the pressure. The increase of pressure is the body's attempt to feed itself. This increase in pressure is the body's last resort to defend itself against the bodily pollutions, gland disorders, free radicals, kidney weakness, hypertension, being overweight, emotional stress, toxemia, deteriorating metabolism, etc., and a foodless food (junk food) diet.

An inflexible vascular system is unable to bring pressure down. The pressure gets high and cannot come down to normal. However, the increased blood pressure fails to nourish the body, because the junk foods (fiber-less enzyme depleted) are depleted of nutrients. This results in hypertension and stress. The blood nutrients can only be supplied by a natural whole foods diet.

80% Of All African Americans Over The Age Of 45 Have High Blood Pressure "The Silent Killer"

High Blood Pressure is a major killer of African Americans in particular. Stress, poor diet, alcohol and drugs are some of the major causes.

Risk factors for high blood pressure include smoking, alcohol abuse, obesity, a high salt intake, lack of exercise and stress - and a family history of hypertension and stroke.

Arteriosclerosis, or a thickening, hardening and narrowing of the walls of the arteries is also often associated with high blood pressure.

Drug Therapy like many synthetic drugs, and anti-hypertensive medication has a risk of causing side effects depending on the person as well as the type of drug being taken. These can include, dizziness, nausea, stomach problems, fatigue, impotence, insomnia, loss of appetite and others. Always speak to your doctor if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.

What About Natural Remedies?

There are many well-known natural remedies for high blood pressure or hypertension. Conventional medicines usually treat the symptoms of high blood pressure, but seldom address the underlying causes.

Naturopaths recognize that high blood pressure may be a sign or symptom of imbalance in the body. They believe in removing the causes of high blood pressure with a combination of lifestyle changes and natural remedies, rather than simply treating the symptoms.

What herbalists have known for centuries has now been clinically proven to be a potentially effective alternative to synthetic blood pressure medication, especially if combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

For treatment and diet instructions order the Overcoming Heart Disease Video or the book African Holistic Health. For diet order the "Crossover Diet Cookbook."